What or Who Dwells in Me?

If you get an X-Ray at the doctor, you can see what you are made of, at least as far as the bones of your body is concerned. If you get an MRI, you can see what you are made of in your muscles, organs, and tissue. But how can...

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What did you go out to see?

I’m not going to say much about these two lessons, and leave the mystery of the title to those of you who like to listen to these recordings, or want to know more about God’s Word from a very good teacher… What Did You Go Out to See? – Martin,...

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What is Love Lesson – 12/18/11

Our first lesson this past Sunday was on love and how we can look at 1 Corinthians 12-13 for our inspiration on how to make the Lord’s church more like the harmony of the human body. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the links below: What is...

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