Blurring Righteousness

In his follow-up lesson, Blurring Righteousness, Roger takes the opposite view of the previous lesson in illustrating how we can blur what righteousness is. We can blur it in our lives through sin by showing a bad example before others. Or righteousness can be blurred to us or those around...

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Our Words

Embed from Getty Images Following a lesson Abe had done a while back, and some things I was thinking about regarding how people use some really bad words or don’t watch what or how they say things, I posted the text below on our church Facebook page last week. The...

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My Visual Aid

In late summer of 2014, one of our members, Roger Starnes, began meeting with a group in Wilmington, Ohio called the Wilmington Expressives*. They are a Toastmasters International* group that meets twice a month to help people like him do a better job speaking in public. The group works on...

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