Drawn Away

Waynesville member Roger Starnes shared a lesson today entitled, “Drawn Away” where he talks about the things that steal our attention at work, at home, and at church. So what can we do? Roger shares his ideas on what we can do in his lesson. The recording of his lesson...

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Mediterranean Diet

Reflecting back to when he was a younger person going to Bible study, Kyle shared his love for the maps in the back of his Bible when he had time. Likely something that many of us used to do when we were young (or even now!). One thing that he...

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The Trying of Our Faith

Many of us these days have had our faith tested. It may be due to family issues, work issues, relationship issues, or even health and wellness issues. When we are making an effort to try to be pleasing to God and life seems to be contrary to us, we can...

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Spiritual Check-up + Zacchaeus

Steven Matthews gave two lessons today. He once worked with the Englewood, Ohio congregation and has been working out of state for the past several years. Today the first lesson he presented for us was, “Spiritual Check-up”. The second lesson was “Zacchaeus”. In the first lesson he takes a look...

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Life 2.0 + Rightly Divide

Kyle and Cody shared another Sunday of lessons today. Kyle gave a lesson on “Life” and Cody gave a lesson on how to “Rightly Divide”. While the two lessons come from different perspectives, the common thread is based on the wellness of the body and soul. These are our first...

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Bitter and Sweet

Roger’s lessons for toady were titled “Bitter and Sweet”. The lessons begin with an act of God as the children of Israel are leaving Egypt and complain about a lack of water. The method God chooses to have Moses make the bitter water sweet segues into the lessons. The first...

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