All-In or All-Out + 3 Good Things

Alan Beck joined us today to share some great ideas that we can all use towards our growth and rejuvenation as Christians. The first lesson titled “All-In or All-Out” starts off talking about an infamous football player who could not decide if he was going to be a player or...

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Life – the Gift of God

Everyone loves gifts! Some gifts come with no responsibilities.  Examples: Money, Toy, Coffee Cup, etc. Some gifts have some responsibilities attached.  Examples: Vehicle, Pet, Property, etc. There are some responsibilities with God’s gifts. God has blessed us with so many gifts that it is like the song we sing, “Count...

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What or Who Dwells in Me?

If you get an X-Ray at the doctor, you can see what you are made of, at least as far as the bones of your body is concerned. If you get an MRI, you can see what you are made of in your muscles, organs, and tissue. But how can...

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Attitude in Prayer

Abe’s lessons for today were on our “Attitude in Prayer”. The lessons help us to look at who we are, Who God is, and how we approach Him in prayer. It also looks at just what prayer is and why it is so beneficial for us. Recording of the lessons...

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