The ‘Little People’

In an effort to encourage and exhort the congregation in Waynesville to focus on who they can be , not who they are not, Roger presented two lessons on “The ‘Little People'” today. The lessons were not on the Little People toy brand for children ages 6–36 months and to...

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Barnabas + Paths

Cody Cain and Kyle Jones shared lessons again today. Cody presented a nice comprehensive lesson on the many often called “Doubting Thomas”. Kyle presented a lesson on Paths or The Way. Both lessons were excellent, but our audio recordings failed either due to storm, configurations, or file saving issues. So,...

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Our 5th Sunday lessons this month were on “Encouragement”. Our first assembly includes scripture readings and songs on the subject per how Abe had lesson set-up. The second lesson was a normal sermon, following up on all we started with. Lesson recordings, outline of songs and scriptures from first lesson,...

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Lessons on Encouragement

Roger and Kyle split the lessons today on different views on the theme of ‘encouragement’. Roger took the first lesson and focused on creation, and the universe as we know it. In the lesson, he focused on the diversity and size (small and large) of all that exists – from...

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The Early Church

Roger and Abe gave lessons this week on “The Early Church”. In each, they take an in-depth look at the early converts and workers in the church to see what they did, how they grew, and the rewards and penalties for success and failure. Don’t feel like you have much...

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