Male & FemalesThe Waynesville church of Christ will be hosting a Gospel Meeting for members of the Waynesville community and for members of area congregations entitled:

Social Righteousness” – The Breakdown of the Family and the Impact on Society.

What has happened to the family and the role of males and females that most of us grew up with? Where did rules go? When did nearly two-thirds of marriages end in divorce? Why are so many kids confused about who they are and how they should act? What happens when single parents give their kids everything so they feel good about themselves? How does all this impact society, work, relationships, and God’s family, the church? Join us to discuss some of these things and how we can try to change where society is going.

The presenters are each members of the Waynesville congregation and invite you to come out to hear each at the meeting. We hope you can come out to be with us, and maybe bring a friend or family member who is not a member of the church.

The order of speakers at this time are as follows:

Abe Martin Cody Cain Kyle Jones Roger Starnes
May 7
“The Conditions of
the Family & the Road Ahead”
Abe Martin

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May 8
“God’s plan for
the Family”
Cody Cain

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May 9
“Man’s Idea for
the Family”

Kyle Jones
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May 10
Things Around”

Roger Starnes
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